
Past President's Annual Report 2023 -2024

What a year this has been! There have been so many changes, big changes. Last year at the annual meeting in June, I spoke to the membership. I remember being so excited and anxious. One of the things that I said at that time was "Please know that everything that I will do during my term is in the best interest of the Club." I knew going into my year as president, that changes would be necessary, and I was working to figure out the best plan. 

I am so pleased to report that by eliminating the food/drink portion of our business and by completely changing our business model, we were able to decrease our budgeted deficit by tens of thousands of dollars. Additionally, our proposed budget going into the next fiscal year shows a positive balance for the first time in many years, and I am comfortable saying that the Austin Woman's Club is now sustainable! There is still much work to be done and momentum to be maintained, but I am proud of what has been accomplished during my term as your president. 

Being the 2023/2024 President of the Austin Woman's Club has been such an honor and privilege! I am grateful for all the trust and faith that everyone has placed in me and for so much loving encouragement along the way. 

This year was definitely nothing like I had envisioned when I accepted this role; it has been much more work and stress, but it has been so worth it! I am transitioning out of this role confident that this year has been a success and even more confident that I'm leaving A WC in the hands of an incredibly capable woman, Dot Swanson. 

I want to send a special thank you to Dot and my entire Board for all your wisdom and for all the hard work that each of you put into the Club this year! Without this Board, I do not feel that this year would have been able to be such a success. I also am pleased to say that as I claimed lastJune, every single bit of work that I did this year was in the very best interest of the Club.

Again, thank you all for your love and support during this fiscal year, it has been an incredible learning and growing experience for me. 

I appreciate ALL of you! 

Sara Jane Cantwell 

2024 -2025 Board of Directors


Standing Committees Chairs

Sub-Committees Chairs

Committee Descriptions

  • Advisory

    1. Formulate job descriptions.
    2. Review and revise job descriptions on an annual basis.
    3. Distribute revised job descriptions to all incoming Officers and Chairs, immediately following the general meeting in April.
    4. Provide the incoming Nominating Chair with updated copies of all job descriptions.
    5. During February of each year, shall present to the Board of Directors a list of members who are qualified to serve on the new Nominating Committee
  • Archives

    Preserve the historical papers of the Austin Woman’s Club

  • Book of Remembrances

    Keep a record of deaths of members and memorials and send letters

    of sympathy to Club members

  • Building

    1. Shall be responsible for the preservation/maintenance of Club facilities (Chateau Bellevue and the Carriage House).

    2. Shall work with the Club Manager to assure that all repairs are done in a timely fashion and in a professional manner.

  • Bylaws

    Must have served a minimum of two (2) years on the Board of Directors.

    Shall have a thorough knowledge of the Bylaws and Standing Rules.

    Shall be responsible for implementing all additions and changes to the Bylaws.

  • Cashiers

    Receive and record luncheon attendance and payments

  • Club Activities/Social

    1. Plan and present social functions and entertainment for the Club.
    2. Submit budgets to the Finance Chair.
    3. Report to and work with the Finance Chair.
  • Communication

    1. Maintains and updates all AWC/Chateau Bellevue websites
    2. Drafts and distributes weekly club eblast newsletters and monthly public newsletters
    3. Designs and distributes all event invitations and publicity via eblasts

  • Corresponding Secretary

    1. Conduct correspondence of the Club as directed by the Board of Directors.
    2. Have custody of all correspondence not otherwise designated.
    3. Report to and work with the Recording Secretary.
  • Courtesy

    Sends get well wishes to Club members

  • Development

    1. Will consist of Board and non-Board members.

    2. Has primary responsibility for raising non-grant funds to support the organization's mission.

  • Docents and Tours

    Act as a guide for tours of the Chateau

  • Education Project

    Make 4th and 7th graders who are taking history aware of the part our

    club has played in Texas history

  • Finance

    1. Prior to formation of the budget proposal, shall request from Chairs of all committees funded therein an estimate of their anticipated needs for the ensuing fiscal year.
    2. Present a proposed budget for the next year to the Board of Directors and membership at the April general meeting, at the June annual meeting, and in September, if necessary.
    3. Shall meet quarterly, or as needed, for review and budget preparation.
  • Fine Arts and Furnishings

    1. Responsible for the décor and furnishings of the Club.
    2. In planning a change of décor or approving acceptance of furnishings the Committee must consult with an approved Interior Designer familiar with Victorian decor.
    3. Donations of fine arts and furnishings must be approved by the Fine Arts and Furnishings Committee and then submitted to the Board of Directors.
    4. Work with House and Building Committees to protect furnishings and maintain functionality of the building.
    5. Report to the Chair of the House or Building Committees or may report directly to the Board of Directors.
  • Fundraising

    1. Plan Fall and Spring fundraisers and other fundraising events with Board approval.
    2. Report to and work with the Finance Chair.
  • Grants

    1. Responsible for building relationships with potential grantors and applying for grants.
    2. Chair serves on the Finance Committee.
    3. Work with all committees, especially the President, and Building, Finance, and Strategic and Long Range Planning Committees.
  • Grounds

    1. Responsible for upkeep of the grounds, planning, execution, and maintenance of the gardens and lawn, and supervision of the landscaping crew.
    2. Report to and work with the Building Chair.
  • House

    1. Shall be responsible for the operations of the Club, which shall include operation of food services, supervision of the Club Manager, and maintenance of and adherence to building cleanliness and safety standards.

  • Insurance

    1. Chair shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary bonds as determined by the Board of Directors.
    2. Chair serves on the Finance Committee.
  • Membership

    1. Consider proposals for membership and present those approved to the Board of Directors for approval.
    2. Provide to the Membership Treasurer semi-monthly reports, which include names of new, resigned, and deceased members.
  • Membership Treasurer

    Report to and work with the Treasurer.

  • Name Tags

    Keep members’ name tags current, in order and available at meetings

  • New Member Orientation

    Acquaint new members with the Club’s general rules and opportunities for involvement

  • Newsletter

    Works with the Program Chair and Communications Chair to compile and publish digital bimonthly newsletter.

  • Program Coordinating

    1) The subject matter for programs shall be:

    • 1st Thursday-Literature
    • 2nd Thursday-Art
    • 3rd Thursday-Music & Performing Arts
    • 4th Thursday-Travel and Lecture
    • 5th Thursday-Special Studies

    2) If a Program Sub-Committee desires to schedule a program on a date that is not during her assigned week, she must have prior approval of the Program Coordinating Committee Chair.

    3) The Club shall not pay speaker or entertainer fees for regular programs. For special functions, required fees shall be covered by the event charge and shall have prior Board approval.

    4)No more than four (4) individual guests who contribute to the program will receive

    complimentary lunches.

  • Public Relations

    1. Is charged with increasing awareness of the AWC and usage of AWC property.
    2. Report to and work with the Communication Chair.
  • Reciprocal Relations

    Keep updated list of other clubs with which we have courtesy privileges

  • Strategic and Long Range Planning (SLRP)

    1. Act as intermediary between AWC and the Community Advisory Board (“CAB”) regarding talents
    2. and expertise that the CAB may provide.
    3. Chair shall serve on the Finance Committee.
  • Scholarship

    1. Work with the Austin Community Foundation to find qualified recipients for the Emilie Wheelock Howson Scholarship and the Helen Mohrmann Scholarship.
    2. Report to and work with the Finance Chair.
  • Treasurer Elect

    1. Serve as Treasurer following her term as Treasurer Elect. If the Treasurer is elected to serve a second year, the Treasurer Elect may be elected to serve a second consecutive year, or may end her service at one (1) year.
    2. Report to and work with the Treasurer.
  • Yearbook

    1. Prepare and distribute the annual Yearbook to members.
    2. Report to the Communication Chair.
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