Membership is open to all women (without regard to race, creed, or color) who support and will actively pursue the mission of the Austin Woman’s Club.
If you are sending in a printed form, please send it to:
Karen Watford, Membership Chair
601 Barrett Lane
Austin, TX 78733
A written proposal for membership is presented by a member of at least one year in good standing and endorsed by a member of like standing. Proposals can be signed or electronically validated.
Candidates must be known by their proposers.
Candidates shall be brought to the club as a guest and introduced to members of the Membership Committee.
Proposals are turned into the Membership Chair. The Membership Committee reviews each proposal and then votes to accept the proposed new member. If candidate is approved by the Membership Committee, the application is then taken to the Board of Directors for their approval. If motion is passed by the Board of Directors, the Membership Chair then sends a formal invitation to proposed new member.
If a proposed new member is not accepted, she may apply again after two years. A letter specifying her status will be sent by the Membership Chair.
Candidates are expected to accept their invitation to membership within sixty days.
It is expected that Proposers and Endorsers will accompany the new member to her first AWC meeting. Proposers shall help the new member become acquainted with other members and Club procedures, while encouraging her to become involved.
All new members shall present a one-time Preservation Gift of $500.00 to the Austin Women’s Club. New members from the Junior Austin Women’s Club, Thankful Hubbard DAR and the American History Club pay a Preservation gift of $100.00. All new members pay annual dues of $425.00 for the fiscal year July 1 - June 30. New members that join after July 1 pay prorated dues.
Transfer members shall follow the procedure outlined in Article III,
Section 4 of the Bylaws.
Members joining at any time during these months (no May 1 deadline) pay:
Month | Amount |
May 2025 | $425 for the following year; current May-June are free |
June 2025 | $425 for the following year; current June is free |
July 2025 | $370 |
August 2025 | $335 |
September 2025 | $300 |
October 2025 | $265 |
November 2025 | $230 |
December | $195 |
January 2026 | $160 |
February 2026 | $125 |
March 2026 | $90 |
April 2026 | $55 |
AUSTIN WOMAN’S CLUB 2025-2026 Dues & Donation Statement
Dues must be received by May 1, 2025
Late Fee $25 after May 1
Active Member Dues: $425.00
Additional donations for the ongoing support and operations of AWC and the North-Evans Chateau are needed and much appreciated.
The Austin Woman's Club is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Austin Woman's Club are tax-deductible charitable donations in the manner and to the extent provided by Section 170 of the Code. No goods or services were provided by the Austin Woman’s Club in exchange for these contributions of Dues and Donations. They are 100% tax deductible.
When completing the donation form below, please note you are not obligated to make any additional contribution to the Zeffy donation platform. When you check out, Zeffy will ask if you would "support their 100% free platform." You may elect to donate a portion to them, or in the drop box to the right, click "Other" and put $0.
Click above to print out and complete your 2025-2026 Dues Form.
Please return this form with your $425 Dues and and Additional Donations to:
Austin Woman’s Club
708 San Antonio St.
Austin, TX 78701
Please e-mail Genie Nyer at genie@nybeck.netwith any questions.
Thanks you for updating your information and for continuing to support the Austin Woman's Club and Chateau Bellevue. Your generous donation will go far in helping keep our beautiful Chateau preserved!
Designed with Love by